Empowerment workshop for all doctoral researchers with care responsibilities

Empowerment workshop for doctoral researchers with care responsibilities10.12.2024 09:00 - 12:30 (Tue)Dahlem Research School, Hittorfstraße 16, Room 004Clara Schumann
Empowerment workshop for doctoral researchers with care responsibilities17.12.2024 09:00 - 12:30 (Tue)Dahlem Research School, Hittorfstraße 16, Room 004Clara Schumann


Doctoral researchers (all disciplines) of the Berlin University Alliance.

Before booking a workshop, please make sure that you can attend for the entire duration. Please check our terms and conditions.   


Objectives and Content

Mother*/father*hood, caring for family members and doing doctoral research - (how) does that go together? The workshop is intended to give doctoral researchers with care responsibilities a space in which they can discuss the challenges of juggling academic and care work. We will identify and critically discuss gender-specific structures, dominant discourses and invisible expectations that are effective in the field of academia and family, and develop ideas and strategies that junior researchers can use to reduce stress and strengthen their position. The workshop is also suitable for doctoral candidates who wish to have children and want to deal with the topic in advance.


Please note

For updates and announcemnets register to our DRS Newsletter.

Also check out workshops at the BUA partner institutions that are available for you free of charge: Graduate Studies Support Program.

For workshops held online, participation is allowed under the following conditions: a working camera that is turned on and a microphone to allow active participation in discussions and group work. Headphones must also be used to protect other participants from office eavesdroppers. In this context, we would also like to refer to the rules for digital courses at Freie Universität Berlin (Code of Conduct).


Further Information

Postdocs are welcome to participate if spots are available.



Course Format: 
in person
Course Capacity: 
Course Language: 
Work Units: 
Budget Points: 
PDF template: 
DRS (en)
Clara Schumann